Félag Horizon arranged an event call "Fun Olympics 2014".
The competition constisted of different kinds of sport; Sack Race, Tug of War, Ball throwing, Egg on Spoon, Heavy weight throw, Penalty Taking, Long Jump, Tape Run; and the judges draw a winner for each single sports activities.
Horizon's Christmas-wishes 2025
Félag Horizon was visiting the Icelandic police, hospital and fire fighters to wish them a Merry Christmas. They were all working during Christmas Eve and they deserve a huge praise for ensuring the safety and security in our society.
A Christmas Message of Peace on Iceland’s National TV
We were honored to be invited by Fríkirkjan to share a message of peace and unity, which was featured on Iceland’s national television, RÚV.
Although we do not celebrate Christmas, we were grateful for the opportunity to send warm greetings to those who do. The world is beautiful in its many colors, and we cherish moments that bring us together in mutual respect.
A heartfelt thank you to Fríkirkjan for their kindness. May this season bring peace and blessings to all.
Pangea receives EFLA sponsorship support!
Við erum ánægð að tilkynna að við höfum fengið styrktarvottorð frá Samfélagssjóði EFLU fyrir Pangea stærðfræðikeppni. Þessi stuðningur styrkir okkar markmið um að hvetja nemendur á Íslandi til að takast á við stærðfræði, efla lærdóm og vöxt. Við erum þakklát EFLA fyrir að viðurkenna gildi þessa verkefnis!
We are delighted to announce that we have received a sponsorship certificate from EFLA's Community Fund for the Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni. This support strengthens our mission to inspire and engage students in Iceland with mathematics, fostering learning and growth. We are grateful to EFLA for recognizing the value of this initiative!
A fun and informative visit from the police
Fengu krakkarnir hjá Félag Múslima á Íslandi spennandi heimsókn frá Samfélagslöggunum, sem var skipulögð í góðri samvinnu við Félag Horizon. Lögreglan sýndi krakkunum allskonar skemmtilega hluti tengdu þeirra starfi. Þeir fengu að setjast inn í lögreglubíl, prófa lögreglubúnað og fengu svo nytsamlegar og fróðlegar upplýsingar um starf lögreglunnar.
Takk kærlega fyrir okkur!
Yesterday, the kids at Félag Múslima á Íslandi received an exciting visit from the Community Police, coordinated in good cooperation with Félag Horizon. The police showed the kids all sorts of fun things related to their work. They got to sit in a police car, try out police equipment, and then received useful and informative information about the work of the police.
Thank you very much for dropping by!
Ramadan Dialogue Dinner 2024
Félag Horizon orchestrated a Ramadan Dialogue Dinner on March 20th, placing emphasis on dialogue to nurture togetherness and understanding over shared good food. Participants enjoyed enriching conversations while partaking in Ramadan traditions, fostering empathy and unity within the community. This event highlighted Félag Horizon's dedication to promoting dialogue and cultural exchange as indispensable components of inclusivity in Iceland.
Félag Horizon skipulagði Ramadan-samræðukvöldverð þann 20. mars þar sem áhersla var lögð á samræður til að efla samveru og skilning umfram sameiginlegan góðan mat. Þátttakendur nutu auðgandi samræðna á sama tíma og þeir tóku þátt í Ramadan-hefðunum, efldu samkennd og einingu innan samfélagsins. Þessi atburður lagði áherslu á tilraun Félags Horizon til að efla samræður og menningarskipti sem leið til félagslegrar inngilding á Íslandi.
Horizon's Christmas-wishes 2024
Félag Horizon was visiting the Icelandic police, hospital and fire fighters to wish them a Merry Christmas. They were all working during Christmas Eve and they deserve a huge praise for ensuring the safety and security in our society.
Félag Horizon´s participation in MEET 2023
It was truly an honour to be invited to Kristiansand, Norway in the MEET (Muslim European Empowerment Programme) on the behalf of Félag Horizon and to participate in the European Conference on Democracy and Human Rights. Thank you for having us. And thank you Shaukat Warraich, Kim Henrik Gronert and the rest of the team for this tremendous effort and contribution of realizing this very important programme!
Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni 2023
The finals of Pangea 2023 took place with a big show on Saturday at Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð. After three years of remote results, it was great fun to get the contestants, their families and teachers back together under one roof for this math festival. The contestants did really well and we hope they enjoyed the questions. The participation record was broken this year, with 4,893, 2,573 from the 8th grade and 2,320 from the 9th grade, from a total of 66 schools from all over the country taking part in the competition!
We would sincerely like to thank your amazing volunteers from the Pangea team with a special thank to Stigull Hí! We also would like to give a special thanks to EFLA, Reykjavikuborg and Menntaskólinn við Hamrahlíð for their great support in realizing this years competition!
Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni 2022
Pangea 2022 results took place all over the country. The contestants did really well and we hope they enjoyed the questions. A participation record was broken this year, with 4,153, 2,269 from 8th grade and 1,884 from 9th grade, from a total of 62 schools participating in the competition!
Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni 2021
Recently, the results of Pangea 2021 took place with an unconventional format for the second year in a row. It was not possible to gather at Menntaskólinn vi Hamrahlíð (þgf), but instead 116 participants completed the competition during school hours in their schools across the country.
Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni 2020
The Pangea math competition, which was postponed this spring, ended last week. Due to the situation in the community with COVID-19, it was not possible to invite the children to the competition together, but the results took place in each school separately, and prizes have now been handed out to the seven students who took the top three places.
I would like to thank the Pangea team who gave their time and made Pangea 2020 a reality, especially Gunnar and Sölva who have spent a lot of time planning and maintaining communication with teachers and parents.
Special thanks also to you, dear teachers, for good communication and willingness to contribute to making Pangea bigger every year.
Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni 2019
We are extremely happy to be organizers of Pangea stærðfræðikeppni 2019! With over 3350 students from more than 50 Icelandic schools, around 84 finalists are now competing for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd price of the competition
We would like to thank you all on the behalf of Félag Horizon for a beautiful event October 6th, 2018. We were truly delightful to so many individuals from different social, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds participating in this dialogue event.
We would like to share our special thanks to Dr. Johnston from Trinity College Dublin for holding a beautiful and informative speech about tolerence, dialogue and mutual understanding, a special thanks to Múltíkúltíkórinn for an amazingly beautiful choir performance and finally, a special thanks to Mr. Köse for a very special Qanun performance.
You can read more about Mr. MacMaster's book on:
This is our 4th Noah's Pudding event and we are looking much forward to see you all again next year in Noah's Pudding Dialogue Event 2019.
Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni 2018
Pangea Stærðfræðikeppni 2017
Noah´s Pudding 2016
The Noahs Pudding program went well. At least 200 people participated and our honorary guest was the Bishop of Iceland, Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir. Thank you for your participation and for showing the society the real essence of being a human being. We are all one and it is our difference that create the beautiful garden of the world. Thanks to Neskirkja for an excellent cooperation and thanks to all volunteers, who took part of the program.
Erasmus+ project: Radicalization of Youth
The primary purpose of this project was to integrate (the) young people in the society, show them how to be a productive citizen, and build their Scandinavian and European identity up. Another important purpose was to teach them the consequences which was caused by radicalization and show them how to avoid radicalized environments in general. The final aim was about education and the importance of it. Different kinds of seminars and workshops was part of the event.
The participants were, based on different issues able to discuss their point of view, which was a part of this project; issues as education, integration, productivity and how to avoid radicalization. They were able to discuss their own difficulties regarding these issues and how to solve them.
Multicultural Day 2016
The members of Félag Horizon participated in the Multicultural Day 2016 (Fjölmenningardagur) that was arranged in Harpa. Félag Horizon presented its ideas about being a volunteer in the society; the importance of education, dialogue, altruism and love, and many people decided to sign up as a volunteer in Félag Horizon. You can do that as well under the tab: "Volunteer". A beautiful day with many beautiful people from all around the world!
Ashura event 2015
Félag Horizon and Neskirkja arranged the 3rd annual Ashura event (Noah’s Pudding) in Neskirkja in the 28th November 2015 with over 140 guests. Bishop of the Church of Iceland, Agnes M. Sigurðardóttir, was our honary guest and she made a beautiful speech about coexistence and dialogue among the humanity during the program. The programme included several speeches from both Neskirkja and Félag Horizon, a semazen (whirling dervish) sufi performance, an Ebru-art (water-marabeling) performance, performance from the choir group of Neskirkja , café and cultural food as well as delicious the Ashura (Noah’s Pudding). The purpose of this event is to demonstrate that positive inter-cultural and inter-religious dialogue is possible, to contribute to the mutual understanding, tolerance and solidarity among people.
'Love is a Verb'
Multicultural Day 2015
Félag Horizon arranged a film gala for the Premiere of the documentary 'Love is a Verb' the 3rd of June at Háskola Bio. The executive-producer of the documentary, Kenneth L. Hunter, was our honorary guest in the film gala
The members of Félag Horizon participated in the Multicultural Day 2015 (Fjölmenningardagur) with Turkish traditional food, jewerrely, clothing and with Ebru (which is the Turkish art of marbling) performed live by a marbling artist from Turkey. Visitors were able to learn how to marble in a traditional way by the help from the artist and many people have signed up to the upcoming Ebru Marbling Course, which will be arranged by Félag Horizon. A beautiful day with many beautiful people!
Dodgeball Tournament 2015 (Brennómót)
Félag Horizon and NeDó organized this weekend a Brennibolti competition. We had 8 participant teams and and about 50 players. The aim was have fun together and contributing the positive dialogue by playing together - and we are happy that we succeed.
Ashura Event in Neskirkja
Félag Horizon arrganged with Neskirkja an Ashura event in Neskirkja. The 130 guests that attended the event listened to the speeches about the positive dialogue, enjoyed the Sema performance (Whirling Dervis), watched and tried the Turkish art Ebru, (water marbling) and tasted the ashura and other delicious tastes.
Félag Horizon Dialogue Iftar Dinner
Félag Horizon organized July 24th a Dialogue Dinner at Nauthöll where guests from all walks of life were invited. There were held speeches, enjoyed live music from Byzantine Silhouette, watched performance by the Whirling Dervish (Semazen) and dined the delicious food.
"Intercultural Day Reykjavik"
Félag Horizon Sunday Tabletennis
On the 10th of May 2014 Félag Horizon participated in the “Intercultural day” in Reykjavik. Félag Horizon offered Turkish coffee and Turkish delight this year and everybody was able to learn how to prepare a original warm cup of Turkish coffee.
Félag Horizon has arranged a so called ”weekly tabletennis day” which takes place every Sunday evening. Here there will e.g. be arranged some tournaments between the participants and of course we end up with a warm cup of coffee and cocoa. The event takes place in Reykjavik University and starts at 07:00 pm. Everybody are welcome to participate especially for the tabletennis enthusiasts ;).
Félag Horizon "Mother's Day" event
"A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world”. Mother’s Day is celebrated to honour all mothers and express gratitude for the hardships they bear bringing up a child. On the 11th of May 2014 Félag Horizon arranged a “Mother’s Day” event which featured dining and entertaining activities.
Félag Horizon Weekly Football
Félag Horizon arranges inside football once in a week for both young and old. If you really want to play with Félag Horizon there are some requirements you have to live up to: your good mood and a couple of shoes.
Félag Horizon Fun Olympics 2014
Félag Horizon arranged an event call "Fun Olympics 2014".
The competition constisted of different kinds of sport; Sack Race, Tug of War, Ball throwing, Egg on Spoon, Heavy weight throw, Penalty Taking, Long Jump, Tape Run; and the judges draw a winner for each single sports activities.
The Turkish Tea Party
Took place in the University of Reykjavik
Félag Horizon's Ashura Event 2013
In the 30 November 2013 Félag Horizon arranged a dialogue dinner and the main subject of the arrangement was Ashura and "the art of living together". The participants of the dinner was members from the different NGO’s and people from the different part of the society. Cahit Ece who is a popular Turkish musician performed in the Ashura dinner with his Kaval.
Dialogue Conference in Goteborg
On Saturday October 26th 2013 members of members of Félag Horizon participated in one day conference in Götheborg arranged by the Swedish association "Dialogue Slussen". The participants were serveral dialogue associations from Scandinavia. The main topic of the conference was how to ”build bridges between islands”.
On Saturday October 26th 2013 members of members of Félag Horizon participated in one day conference in Götheborg arranged by the Swedish association "Dialogue Slussen". The participants were serveral dialogue associations from Scandinavia. The main topic of the conference was how to ”build bridges between islands”.
On Saturday October 26th 2013 members of members of Félag Horizon participated in one day conference in Götheborg arranged by the Swedish association "Dialogue Slussen". The participants were serveral dialogue associations from Scandinavia. The main topic of the conference was how to ”build bridges between islands”.